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Case Study – Adolescent with Depression

Case Study – Adolescent with Depression

Order Description

This is a Case Study that also required providing Evidenced Based Research from NREPP, Cochrane, APS etc. Please follow specific instructions attached.

You are required to choose a given case study, identify the key clinical and ethical issues in relation to the problem presented and develop a plan for psychological intervention based on the available evidence.

Case Study 1 – Adolescent with depressive symptoms
Lisa, aged 16, was referred to the psychologist for individual therapy following a suicide attempt. Lisa lives with her mother and has one sibling, an 18-year-old brother. She has had no prior history of either attempting suicide or reporting suicidal ideation. Lisa’s mother reported she had not observed any warning signs that would have indicated an impending suicide attempt. She was shocked that deeply troubled by Lisa’s attempt. However, her mother did say that five years ago, at the time of her divorce from Lisa’s father, Lisa had become sad and depressed about the divorce. Lisa saw a counsellor at the time to “work through” her sadness, but did not like the counsellor, and after just a few sessions, did not continue treatment.
Lisa’s mother informed the psychologist that her suicide attempt followed an episode in which Lisa had been caught sneaking out of the house one night and was grounded as punishment. A few days later, with no obvious indicators of unusual distress, Lisa took a deliberate overdose of aspirin with the intent of killing herself. Lisa’s mother came home from work and found Lisa curled up in her bed, complaining of being sick and very tired. After persistent questioning by her mother as to the reasons for her obviously distressed physical condition, Lisa disclosed that she had taken an entire bottle of aspirin. Lisa’s mother immediately called 000, and Lisa was rushed to the hospital. She had her stomach pumped and was kept overnight for observation. Thankfully, her medical situation was not life threatening.

Specifically, with your chosen case study, you are to:

1.    Write an introduction AND background of Lisa – which givesan overview of the problem chosen, and gives an overview of how your whole essay will proceed (approx. 250 words)

2. Discuss the search criteria (PICO), inclusion, and exclusion criteria. – HOW YOU FOUND THE SELECTED EBP papers


a) APS

b) NREPP  http://www.nrepp.samhsa.gov/SearchResultsNew.aspx?s=b&q=depression

2 x NREPP papers uploaded
•    Adolescent Coping with Depression
•    Family Therapy

c) Mindmatters


d) Cochrane Database

doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD007504.pub2
doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD008324.pub3

3.  Discuss the key clinical issues – 500 words

Read these papers and summarise:

APS suggests CBT, IPT and Family therapy are the most effective therapeutic treatments for Adolescents with Depression. Further
NREPP provided two such therapies as above.  These fall within Counseling Psychology interventions

Mindmatters theory and rationale regarding educating schools to intervene with mental health.  This falls with in Health Psychology Interventions.

Cochrane reviews suggest a pharmacological approach to intervening with depression in adolescents.  This falls within the Clinical Psychology interventions

Summarise and lead into how some of these may represent ethical issues for intervening with depression for adolescents and then specifically Lisa

4) Discuss the key ethical issues to be considered 250 words

For adolescents in the community with depressive symptoms who have attempted suicide

For Lisa and her specific circumstances

5) Critically summarise the EBP papers located, at all levels of intervention (1000 words)

Critically analyse all of the papers provided above in this order and provide STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES:

•    Counselling:
NREPP interventions
For these two, please also refer to the Quality of Evidence sections which provides a very good summary

•    Health:
Mindmatters Rationale

•    Clinical:
2 Cochrane papers provided above

6) Develop an appropriate plan of intervention for the chosen case based on the found available evidence (250 words)

7) Succinctly summarise your arguments in a concluding paragraph (approx. 250 words).

Psy407: Assessment Criteria for Case Study (40%)
Component    High
85-100%    Distinction
75-84%    Credit
65-74%    Pass
50-64%    Fail
Below 50%
Introduction (10%)
Provides an overview definition of the presenting issues in the chosen case study from within the context of relevant research and therapeutic approaches    A succinct and clear introduction and summary of the focus of the essay is given, including the relevant theories and ideas to be discussed, with no errors.
A clear introduction and summary of the focus of the essay given, including the relevant theories and ideas to be discussed, with some problems with clarity and writing.     An introduction and summary of the focus of the essay given, including the relevant theories and ideas to be discussed, but with many problems with clarity and writing.    An introduction is offered, but with some errors in clarity of what the paper will be written on, and many problems with writing.     No summary of overview and focus of essay offered.
Introduces and succinctly clarifies the situation faced by the client    Evidence of ability to interpret and understand the issues presented in the case studies and summarise them succinctly and accurately
Evidence of ability to understand and analyse the issues presented in the case studies, and summarise them, but with some problems with clarity.     Evidence of understanding the issues presented in the case studies, and summarise them, but with many problems with clarity.    Reproduced the case studies details only, and many problems with clarity.     No evidence of ability to understand or succinctly define the case studies
Main Body (20%)
Ability to source appropriate EBP literature supporting the best practice for the case presented    Excellent PICO keyword search skills, and the identification of excellent EBP literature to support best-practice for case study    Evidence of ability to use PICO keyword search skills, and the identification of useful EBP literature to support best-practice for case study, but with some problems with clarity    Evidence of understanding of the use of the PICO keyword search skills, and the identification of EBP literature to support best-practice for case study, but with many problems with clarity    Evidence of the use of the PICO keyword search skills, but with many problems or ability to find suitable synonyms to broaden search.    No evidence of ability to use PICO keyword search tool effectively, to locate EBP literature to support treatment planning.
Ability to identify and consider other considerations when developing a treatment plan, including clinical and ethical considerations    Excellent ability to consider other factors including context, client, and clinical expertise when developing treatment plan for case.    Evidence of ability to consider other factors including context, client, and clinical expertise when developing treatment plan, but with some problems.    Evidence of understanding of the need to consider other factors including context, client, and clinical expertise when developing a treatment plan, but with many problems.    Evidence of emerging understanding of the four factors of best practice, but with problems applying them to develop a workable treatment plan.     No evidence of ability to consider context, client, or clinical expertise as well as research when developing treatment plan.
Ability to develop an appropriate treatment plan based on the evidence.    Excellent treatment plan suggested based on the four factors of best practice    Evidence of ability to develop an appropriate treatment plan based on available evidence.    Evidence of understanding of how to develop an appropriate treatment plan based on available evidence, but with some problems.    Evidence of emerging understanding of the ability to develop a treatment plan based on available evidence, but with many problems.     No treatment plan suggested, or treatment plan is not based on the four factors of best practice.
Comprehensive reference to relevant literature sources are provided    Comprehensive reference to relevant literature sources are made, at all times, with no errors.     Reference to mostly relevant literature sources are made, but with some errors.     Reference to mostly relevant literature sources are made, but with many errors.     Reference to some relevant literature sources are made, but not comprehensive.     No evidence of sourcing and citing appropriate literature sources are found.
Conclusion (5%)
A succinct and precise summary of the relevant issues faced by the clients and the contributing factors and their relevance to key theoretical ideas have been made.     A succinct and precise summary to the essay, including the relevant issues, contributing factors, and the key theories are given with no errors.

A succinct summary of the essay, including the relevant issues, contributing factors, and the key theories are given with some errors.    A succinct summary of the essay, including the relevant issues, contributing factors, and key theories are given with many errors.     A summary of the essay, including the relevant issues, contributing factors, and theories are given but with many errors.     No summary of essay offered.
Overall Quality of Paper (5%)
Quality of writing style    Evidence of excellent essay structure, flow of argument, academic expression, grammar, punctuation, and spelling with no errors.     Evidence of good essay structure, flow of argument, academic expression, grammar, punctuation, and spelling with some errors.     Evidence of satisfactory essay structure, flow of argument, academic expression, grammar, punctuation, and spelling with many errors.     Evidence of some essay structure, flow of argument, academic expression, grammar, punctuation, and spelling with many errors.     No evidence of correct essay structure, flow of argument, academic expression, grammar, punctuation, and spelling
Use of APA formatting & referencing     Accurate use of APA 6th edition. Formatting used throughout essay and referencing, with no errors.     Good use of APA 6th edition. Formatting used throughout essay and referencing, with some errors.     Satisfactory use of APA 6th edition. Formatting used throughout essay and referencing, with many errors.     Evidence of use of APA 6th edition. Formatting used throughout essay and referencing, with many errors.     No evidence of use of APA formatting.

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Case Study – Adolescent with Depression

Case Study – Adolescent with Depression

Order Description

This is a Case Study that also required providing Evidenced Based Research from NREPP, Cochrane, APS etc. Please follow specific instructions attached.

You are required to choose a given case study, identify the key clinical and ethical issues in relation to the problem presented and develop a plan for psychological intervention based on the available evidence.

Case Study 1 – Adolescent with depressive symptoms
Lisa, aged 16, was referred to the psychologist for individual therapy following a suicide attempt. Lisa lives with her mother and has one sibling, an 18-year-old brother. She has had no prior history of either attempting suicide or reporting suicidal ideation. Lisa’s mother reported she had not observed any warning signs that would have indicated an impending suicide attempt. She was shocked that deeply troubled by Lisa’s attempt. However, her mother did say that five years ago, at the time of her divorce from Lisa’s father, Lisa had become sad and depressed about the divorce. Lisa saw a counsellor at the time to “work through” her sadness, but did not like the counsellor, and after just a few sessions, did not continue treatment.
Lisa’s mother informed the psychologist that her suicide attempt followed an episode in which Lisa had been caught sneaking out of the house one night and was grounded as punishment. A few days later, with no obvious indicators of unusual distress, Lisa took a deliberate overdose of aspirin with the intent of killing herself. Lisa’s mother came home from work and found Lisa curled up in her bed, complaining of being sick and very tired. After persistent questioning by her mother as to the reasons for her obviously distressed physical condition, Lisa disclosed that she had taken an entire bottle of aspirin. Lisa’s mother immediately called 000, and Lisa was rushed to the hospital. She had her stomach pumped and was kept overnight for observation. Thankfully, her medical situation was not life threatening.

Specifically, with your chosen case study, you are to:

1.    Write an introduction AND background of Lisa – which givesan overview of the problem chosen, and gives an overview of how your whole essay will proceed (approx. 250 words)

2. Discuss the search criteria (PICO), inclusion, and exclusion criteria. – HOW YOU FOUND THE SELECTED EBP papers


a) APS

b) NREPP  http://www.nrepp.samhsa.gov/SearchResultsNew.aspx?s=b&q=depression

2 x NREPP papers uploaded
•    Adolescent Coping with Depression
•    Family Therapy

c) Mindmatters


d) Cochrane Database

doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD007504.pub2
doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD008324.pub3

3.  Discuss the key clinical issues – 500 words

Read these papers and summarise:

APS suggests CBT, IPT and Family therapy are the most effective therapeutic treatments for Adolescents with Depression. Further
NREPP provided two such therapies as above.  These fall within Counseling Psychology interventions

Mindmatters theory and rationale regarding educating schools to intervene with mental health.  This falls with in Health Psychology Interventions.

Cochrane reviews suggest a pharmacological approach to intervening with depression in adolescents.  This falls within the Clinical Psychology interventions

Summarise and lead into how some of these may represent ethical issues for intervening with depression for adolescents and then specifically Lisa

4) Discuss the key ethical issues to be considered 250 words

For adolescents in the community with depressive symptoms who have attempted suicide

For Lisa and her specific circumstances

5) Critically summarise the EBP papers located, at all levels of intervention (1000 words)

Critically analyse all of the papers provided above in this order and provide STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES:

•    Counselling:
NREPP interventions
For these two, please also refer to the Quality of Evidence sections which provides a very good summary

•    Health:
Mindmatters Rationale

•    Clinical:
2 Cochrane papers provided above

6) Develop an appropriate plan of intervention for the chosen case based on the found available evidence (250 words)

7) Succinctly summarise your arguments in a concluding paragraph (approx. 250 words).

Psy407: Assessment Criteria for Case Study (40%)
Component    High
85-100%    Distinction
75-84%    Credit
65-74%    Pass
50-64%    Fail
Below 50%
Introduction (10%)
Provides an overview definition of the presenting issues in the chosen case study from within the context of relevant research and therapeutic approaches    A succinct and clear introduction and summary of the focus of the essay is given, including the relevant theories and ideas to be discussed, with no errors.
A clear introduction and summary of the focus of the essay given, including the relevant theories and ideas to be discussed, with some problems with clarity and writing.     An introduction and summary of the focus of the essay given, including the relevant theories and ideas to be discussed, but with many problems with clarity and writing.    An introduction is offered, but with some errors in clarity of what the paper will be written on, and many problems with writing.     No summary of overview and focus of essay offered.
Introduces and succinctly clarifies the situation faced by the client    Evidence of ability to interpret and understand the issues presented in the case studies and summarise them succinctly and accurately
Evidence of ability to understand and analyse the issues presented in the case studies, and summarise them, but with some problems with clarity.     Evidence of understanding the issues presented in the case studies, and summarise them, but with many problems with clarity.    Reproduced the case studies details only, and many problems with clarity.     No evidence of ability to understand or succinctly define the case studies
Main Body (20%)
Ability to source appropriate EBP literature supporting the best practice for the case presented    Excellent PICO keyword search skills, and the identification of excellent EBP literature to support best-practice for case study    Evidence of ability to use PICO keyword search skills, and the identification of useful EBP literature to support best-practice for case study, but with some problems with clarity    Evidence of understanding of the use of the PICO keyword search skills, and the identification of EBP literature to support best-practice for case study, but with many problems with clarity    Evidence of the use of the PICO keyword search skills, but with many problems or ability to find suitable synonyms to broaden search.    No evidence of ability to use PICO keyword search tool effectively, to locate EBP literature to support treatment planning.
Ability to identify and consider other considerations when developing a treatment plan, including clinical and ethical considerations    Excellent ability to consider other factors including context, client, and clinical expertise when developing treatment plan for case.    Evidence of ability to consider other factors including context, client, and clinical expertise when developing treatment plan, but with some problems.    Evidence of understanding of the need to consider other factors including context, client, and clinical expertise when developing a treatment plan, but with many problems.    Evidence of emerging understanding of the four factors of best practice, but with problems applying them to develop a workable treatment plan.     No evidence of ability to consider context, client, or clinical expertise as well as research when developing treatment plan.
Ability to develop an appropriate treatment plan based on the evidence.    Excellent treatment plan suggested based on the four factors of best practice    Evidence of ability to develop an appropriate treatment plan based on available evidence.    Evidence of understanding of how to develop an appropriate treatment plan based on available evidence, but with some problems.    Evidence of emerging understanding of the ability to develop a treatment plan based on available evidence, but with many problems.     No treatment plan suggested, or treatment plan is not based on the four factors of best practice.
Comprehensive reference to relevant literature sources are provided    Comprehensive reference to relevant literature sources are made, at all times, with no errors.     Reference to mostly relevant literature sources are made, but with some errors.     Reference to mostly relevant literature sources are made, but with many errors.     Reference to some relevant literature sources are made, but not comprehensive.     No evidence of sourcing and citing appropriate literature sources are found.
Conclusion (5%)
A succinct and precise summary of the relevant issues faced by the clients and the contributing factors and their relevance to key theoretical ideas have been made.     A succinct and precise summary to the essay, including the relevant issues, contributing factors, and the key theories are given with no errors.

A succinct summary of the essay, including the relevant issues, contributing factors, and the key theories are given with some errors.    A succinct summary of the essay, including the relevant issues, contributing factors, and key theories are given with many errors.     A summary of the essay, including the relevant issues, contributing factors, and theories are given but with many errors.     No summary of essay offered.
Overall Quality of Paper (5%)
Quality of writing style    Evidence of excellent essay structure, flow of argument, academic expression, grammar, punctuation, and spelling with no errors.     Evidence of good essay structure, flow of argument, academic expression, grammar, punctuation, and spelling with some errors.     Evidence of satisfactory essay structure, flow of argument, academic expression, grammar, punctuation, and spelling with many errors.     Evidence of some essay structure, flow of argument, academic expression, grammar, punctuation, and spelling with many errors.     No evidence of correct essay structure, flow of argument, academic expression, grammar, punctuation, and spelling
Use of APA formatting & referencing     Accurate use of APA 6th edition. Formatting used throughout essay and referencing, with no errors.     Good use of APA 6th edition. Formatting used throughout essay and referencing, with some errors.     Satisfactory use of APA 6th edition. Formatting used throughout essay and referencing, with many errors.     Evidence of use of APA 6th edition. Formatting used throughout essay and referencing, with many errors.     No evidence of use of APA formatting.

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